AR Mobile Applications

There are ideas that require combining digital content with the environments around us to come to fruition. By utilizing augmented reality (AR), excellent applications can be developed that provide effective solutions for entertainment content, information delivery, or even as work tools.

Primarily used in mobile applications, this technology allows us to blend reality and fiction, augmenting spatial objects with our own content and creating easily manageable AR experiences.

There are situations where unseen aspects of art or entertainment can only be achieved through the application of new technology. The meeting point of innovation and creativity often results in experiences that have never been seen before. During our projects, we’ve had numerous opportunities to select novel or previously unused technologies. In these cases, the result is always another WOW experience.

Our programmers and 3D and 2D artists possess many years of experience in game development and digital content creation, as well as in creating virtual reality experiences. Every project is unique, every application a new challenge, but for our experienced team, there is no unsolvable task.

Our team is proficient in both of the leading and best-supported development environments. Whether using the visually and qualitatively unmatched Unreal Engine or the Unity Engine, known for its resource management capabilities ideal for mobile and standalone VR headsets, we complete our work with assured expertise.

If you need an augmented reality (AR) application but are unsure of the most optimal method to achieve this, involve us right from the planning phase. We ensure that the best possible outcome is achieved through a collaborative and meticulous process.